Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An update on us!!!

Joe and I are still trying for a baby and have been for 16 months. We have decided to find an adoption agency and get the ball rolling in that direction since it can take quite a while to actually get a baby. We have not completely given up hope to be able to have our own and I have set up an appointment to continue with fertility as well. We are open to any and every possibility so if any of you know or hear about anybody that is pregnant and is thinking about adoption please keep us in mind. I hope all is well and that everyone is enjoying the summer.


Tatiana said...

Hey guys,
Syd, it was good to see you tonight. So sorry that you guys are struggling w/ having kids. We'll keep you in our prayers, we'll see you soon.

Mandee said...

Hi Syd. I'm glad to see a post! You should talk to my friend Brandi (link to her from my blog). She did invitro to get her twins, and will undergo it again next year sometime. The downside: it's expensive, but it could possibly take less time than adoption. Who is your adoption profile with??

Hayley said...

Hi Syd,
I saw your blog from Mandee's; welcome to the blogging world! You'll love it! It was great to get an update on you.
Our good friends are trying to adopt right now as well. I'm not sure which agency you are going through, but in addition to what Mandee said about invitro, it costs about the same as what our friends are paying thru LDS adoptions servies.
Good luck!

Sharee said...

thanks for coming up and picking raspberries. It was great to see you for a quick minute and catch up. Don't worry, keep trying. It will happen. Which ever road you take will be perfect. Just think as soon as an adoption takes place you will find out you are prego too. You will have a house full before you know it.
Love you guys.

Emily said...

Hey Sydney - Hopefully you remember me - Emily Sagendorf (I worked with you for your dad at REE)-it's so funny I was looking at people from high schools blogs and happened to see a link for Joe and Syd B and I was wondering if it was you and sure enough! What a small world! Hope you don't mind I was checking it out - I'm sorry to hear about your struggle, I'm sure that's really hard.

I have a blog too, but it's private so if you want an invite, just send me an email at and we can keep in touch - take care!

Michaelene said...

Syd! I don't know if you check your blog anymore, but we need to get together for lunch.

Em said...

Hello. Glad your blogging again. A group of us are getting together on the 19th of Feb at Biaggi's Italian restaurant (Gateway) Would love to have you come.